Thursday, March 18, 2010

So Today has been a bunch of ups and downs, pros and cons. I woke up feeling great but later found that i couldnt find where my necklace that i wear EVERY DAY was. I feel that i can't convey to you ppl how important that necklace is to me...  i cried and cried about it till i had to go to school... My boyfriend gave me that necklace on our first Valentines day together about a year ago. I have not gone a day without wearing it sense. So to you married ppl, it would be like losing your wedding ring. To you rockstars(if you read my blog which i highly doubt) it would be like losing the guitar that you played your first show in or your lucky underwear. that necklace is a part of me that if taken away or lost i couldn't adjust properly.... I am still deeply upset about losing it and when i get home my room will be turned upside down looking for my prized possesion....
Before that, I got up at 5:30 because i had a really bad dream and felt like if i went back to sleep, it would haunt me again... So i dreamed that i took my best friend to an AFI concert. We got there really early, so we rushed to the front barricade... but it wasn't a barricade. Imagine a brick wall painted white about 4 ft high.... high enough to where you could put your elbows on it. Well, beyond the weird barricade was a pit, you know, like the ones that you see in front of the lions at the zoo. Well, the stage was behind it. You couldn't see into the pit.. it lead to darkness... Well, during the opening band, these ppl kept jumping from the top of the barricade over the pit to the stage. This girl next to me jumped across and the chick who was the lead singer of the band said "Wait, i thought you weren't allowed to stage dive...." The girl looked at her and said "oh right." and she jumped... but too short. I heard her scream as she fell down the pit.... It was haunting....
I woke up.. That was probably the worst dream i have had since this one i had about "The Grudge"....

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