Tuesday, November 30, 2010

woot pool layout FTW

So this is what i did in autoCAD yesterday :D the things around the fence are trees and the box with the hexagon insie it is a hot tub :D

Monday, November 29, 2010


So this morning i got on a blog rant. a big one. Truth is, I miss my exbf, I'm hurt by what was transpiring on FB, and I really hope his family isn't mad at me, even tho that seems to be what it sounds like. I dont see why they would be mad at me. I did not cause any of this. My parents weren't happy that my bf was kind of rude with he was being snappy and his txting was rude. I had no controll over the matter. I fought to stay with him, tell you the truth, blog i pitched a fit over the whole shabang D:. Why do i write this on my blog? bc no one reads it, period. I didn't want to change my relationship status on fb bc ppl would see it, so i dont display it anymore. I feel sick, and the thoughts of all the drama is making me sicker. That lack of sleep has caught up with me and i will tell you, it sux.....
And i have the nagging feeling he's gonna txt me when i remember it wont happen T.T


Members of blogspot, it is never good to take Excederin with instant cappacchino because it is like drinking three redbulls. I'M HYPER AND I AM WEARING A SUPERMAN SHIRT SO CLIMBING THE STAIRS UP HERE FELT LIKE FLYIN UP HUR. I'm in a happy go lucky mood and wit all the drama that happened the week before last I'm lettin it go. LETTING IT GO. Thats right. Im not happy with facebook bc ppl say what they want whether its hurtful or not so you know what?? guess who's not gonna care too much about her facebook anymore?! IM NOT. BUT IM LETTING IT GO.
Alright, so the reason why i took excederin with coffee was bc last night i got no sleep AT ALL. I went to sleep at 9:30 PM the woke up with confusing dreams wide awake at midnight. So i stayed up and read the last 100 pages of Huckleberry Finn and the last episode of my Teen Titans comic book. I had insomnia and i didn't get any real sleep till 5 AM....... aaand woke up at 6 T.T

Saturday, November 27, 2010

hope unknown?

Yes, I'm going to pull a Lena(character from Beatiful Creatures, its a really good book) and quote some songs and poetry to let it all out.

"Hope unknown, Sometimes just waking is surreal.
I walk right through the nameless ones
I know hopes unknown......
This day never seems to end....
So alone."

"Real life goes undefined, why must you be so missable????"


Ok, so im not that good at quoting such things XD but what i'm really saying is, I'm really upset over all this and i never asked for it. And i didn't go down without a fight, I promise. I really do miss you, but we both have to move on (Even tho i know that we both don't want to) Like our mothers said, we'll feel better in time, but i really really really am sorry. I would do anything to change this and i know you would too. too bad they haven't invented a time machine ne? But also what i'm saying is this: A lot of people that love each other may have to break up a few times and get back together. Maybe, by then, we could get back together. I want to. but like i told you last week, I want to date other people before i'm sure. and..... I want you to date other people too...... I've had two dreams with you in them the past few nights. Theyve been real and i was hoping if you were really in them since the last time i had one like that you maybe had one too... but in both of them your mom was really mad at me T.T. and BTW, you can comment anonymously without an account. but i won't reply back bc id get my hide tanned XD

Sunday, November 21, 2010

So Sad..

    My parents made me break up with my boyfriend... Its depressing but he did text my friend saying he would wait till my parents no longer controlled who i dated... Two years together now two years to wait D:. But the thing i hate is i have to date other guys... there is no other guy i want to date... *cries*